Current Issue Cover

陈琼1, 伍祥生1(湖南师范大学信息技术系,长沙 410081)

摘 要
针对很多数字水印设计方案都是单水印嵌入的状况, 提出了一种新的复合型图像水印技术。在图像作品里同时嵌入鲁棒水印和脆弱水印。这样,既对图像作品进行了版权保护,又能知道作品内容是否被篡改,实现了版权保护和内容认证的双重功能。两种水印的提取和检测工作都不需要原始图像就可以完成,是一种盲水印算法。仿真实验表明,该算法比较有效,具有很好的应用前景。
A New Algorithm of Compound Blind Watermarking


To change the situation that many methods about watermarking were based on embedding one single watermark, we presented a new compound image watermarking method, which was embedding both robust watermark and fragile watermark to one image, so that we can not only convey the ownership, but also justify whether the source image is tampered. Therefore, a multipurpose watermarking system has been designed in this paper. In addition, both the watermarks need not the source image information during the process of extracting or detecting. That is to say, our algorithm is a blind one. Simulation results show that the algorithm we present is very effective, and can be widely used in practice.
