Current Issue Cover

封春升1, 郝爱民1, 何兵1, 王莉莉1(北京航空航天大学虚拟现实新技术教育部重点实验室,北京 100083)

摘 要
A New Algorithm for Video Object Extraction Based on


A novel approach for video object extraction fusing temporal and gradient information is proposed. Experiments demonstrate that our method can extract the video object effectively from complex background, and can resolve the vacancy phenomenon when the foreground and background are of the same color using background eliminate method. Firstly, in the temporal domain we introduced background eliminate and adjacent frame difference method to generate elementary video object, and then we used erosion and dilation morphologic method to the video object. Secondly, in the gradient domain we detected video object’s edge using Sobel operator. Associating with the video object generated in the temporal domain, we obtained the exact video object contour’s edge. Finally, we applied heuristic search method to link video object contour’s edge points, sequentially extracted video object.
