Current Issue Cover
基于Kriging和Marching cube算法的地学3维形态模拟

杨鸿翼1, 刘亮明1, 赵义来1(中南大学地学与环境工程学院计算地学研究中心,长沙 410083)

摘 要
地质构造的复杂性和勘查数据的不完备性,决定了对地质要素(地质体和场)的空间形态进行3维模拟是一个面临众多技术难题的艰巨任务。针对此问题,探讨了一种利用空间插值和等值面勾绘来建立地质要素的接近真实的3维可视化模型的方法。Kriging算法,由于其在揭示空间数据非均匀、各向异性分布规律方面具有良好表现,因而被用于对不完备地学数据进行空间插值,即先将分散的不规则分布的数据转换成规则分布的网格数据;再通过Marching cube算法实现由网格离散点构建光滑3维等值曲面;最后通过OpenGL接口实现等值曲面的计算
3D Geological Modelling Based on Kriging and


It is a tough challenge for the geologists to model 3D shape of geological factors because of the complexity of geologic architecture and the insufficiency of exploration data. This paper presents research on modeling 3D shape of geo bodies and geo fields through 3D interpolation and iso surface constructing from limited and scatted exploration data. The Kriging algorithm,as its favorable for revealing asymmetrical and anisotropic distribution of data in the geo field, is used as the 3D interpolation method to convert the insufficient and random arrayed data set into sufficient grid data set. The iso surfaces are auto created from the scatter data through Marching cube algorithm. The above processes are achieved through and OpenGL programming. By application of the above methods, the 3D iso surfaces of ore grade from drill data and inversely deduced resistance from magnetotellurics surveying data are simulated. Compared with the traditional methods, this produces for us good results and can be used as more convenient and effective tools for 3D visualization in geo exploration.
