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卢涤非1, 张三元1, 叶修梓1(浙江大学计算机学院,杭州 310027)

摘 要
为了对3维动画进行鲁棒地传输,提出了一种基于线型草图的3维动画传输方法,该方法可以把多个源网格的动画传输到一个目标网格。该方法由以下几个步骤组成:(1)使用线型草图在源网格和目标网格间建立映射;(2)使用差分均值坐标(differential mean value coordinates),根据源动画来变形目标网格;(3)对齐各部分变形后的目标网格,通过求解最小化约束函数,以获取光滑的目标网格,从而生成目标动画的关键帧;(4)对由步骤(3)产生的结果进行插值,即可产生完整的目标对象的3维动画。通过对上述几个方面的深入研究,以及将这些成果集成在原型系统中的结果表明,该方法具有以下特点:①既不需要源网格和目标网格有相同的顶点数和三角面片数,也不需要有类似的拓扑信息;②源动画既可以是3维的,也可以是2维视频或Flash;③目标对象可以是无结构化的点云数据。实践表明,该方法直观易用,可以生成逼真的3维动画。最后通过从狗、猫、蛇、人体的3维动画与2维车轮视频的合成来产生复杂的马车动画,对该方法进行了验证。另外,原型系统还通过产生其他几个例子来进一步验证其通用性和鲁棒性。
Sketch Based Multi source 3D Animation Transfer


In this paper, we propose a sketch based synthesis approach to create 3D animation of a target character. Our approach consists of the following steps: (a) a sketch based mapping between the sources and the target; (b) deforming the target based on the deformations of the corresponding sources by means of differential mean value coordinates; (c) stitching the deformed portions of the target together smoothly with constrained minimization method to form a key frame of the target animation; and (d) interpolating between key frames created from (c) to produce a complete 3D animation of the target. We provide new research contributions on all these topics, and integrate them into our newly developed prototype animating system. Our approach does not require the sources and target to share the same number of vertices or triangles, or to have matching connectivity. In our system, source animations can be 3D animations as well as 2D videos or macromedia flashes; and the target can even be unstructured or point cloud. Our approach is intuitive and is able to produce highly authentic 3D animations. We demonstrate our approach by constructing a full cart animation from dog, cat, snake and human animations as well as applying a 2D video of the wheel of a car onto the wheels of the cart. Other examples produced from our prototype system are also given in the paper to illustrate the generality and robust of our approach.
