Current Issue Cover

艾祖亮1, 彭耿1, 张立民1,2(1.海军航空工程学院电子与信息工程系,烟台,264001;2.天津大学电子与信息工程学院,天津,300072)

摘 要
A Technique to Evaluate Irradiance Environment Maps


Irradiance environmental maps are an effective technique to render diffuse objects in arbitrary lighting environments. Based on current computer graphics hardware a technique is proposed for calculating irradiance environmental maps using vertex shader. The approach starts from an analysis of spherical harmonics and finds out a quadratic polynomial form of environment mapping. Using vertex shader instructions the polynomial coefficients and spherical harmonics functions can be fast calculated, and then the corresponding irradiance environment maps are also generated. When the lighting environment changes, the lighting coefficients are fast computed by generating a mipmap of the source environment map, so that real time recalculating irradiance environment is obtained. The experimental result shows it not only renders realistic lighting but also satisfies the interactive requirements in dynamic lighting environments.
