刘万增1, 陈军1, 邓喀中2, 赵仁亮1, 程涛3,4(1.国家基础地理信息中心,北京 100044;2.中国矿业大学环测学院,徐州 221008;3.香港理工大学土地测量与地理资讯学系,香港;4.中山大学地理与规划学院,广州 510275) 摘 要
Detecting the Spatial Inconsistency between the Updated Rivers and Valleys
() Abstract
In order to detect the spatial conflicts that rivers deviate from the valleys in the process of topographic database updating, a new algorithm using the vector projection method to quickly extract the valley lines related to the rivers is proposed. Based on the algorithm, a method to detect the inconsistency that rivers deviate from valleys is advanced. The above algorithm has been implemented by VB6.0+MO, and achieved the better efficiency.