Current Issue Cover

傅新元1, 郭禾1, 王宇新1, 刘天阳1, 李寒1(大连理工大学计算机系,大连 116024)

摘 要
Seamless Cloning Algorithm Based on Image Matting Technique


In this paper, we present a method called arbitrary cloning in which image matting technique and Poisson image editing are applied to accomplish the image seamless cloning. First, the object boundary is extracted through image matting technique. And Poisson equation is solved to achieve natural result for seamless cloning. Compared with state of art techniques, the algorithm shows advantages that great performance can be reached in bad conditions when there is complicated color variation in the foreground and background image. The α matte can be guided by the user input and the algorithm is not affected even when there are many holes in the foreground image. The algorithm is very flexible in application. Within current cloning technique, the algorithm guarantees better output, higher speed and diverse results.
