Current Issue Cover

杨俊1, 王润生1(国防科学技术大学电子科学与工程学院ATR国家重点实验室,长沙 410073)

摘 要
A Survey on Computer Vision Based Video Fire Detection


Video Fire Detection (VFD) is one of the most active research topics being valuable for both theoretical and practical research in computer vision, especially has a wide spectrum of promising applications in video surveillance for early fire alarms in public security. As the improvement on visual feature model of fire, many VFD systems have been developed. In this paper, some main issues on VFD are reviewed, including its advantages to traditional detectors, the classification and description for visual fire features, the representative algorithms and systems, the future trends, and so on. Then some key problems on the compatibility, real time efficiency, intelligence, performance evaluation and multi sensor fusion for VFD are discussed. In addition, a novel VFD model based on hierarchical attention and a saliency fusion framework based on multi sensors are proposed for boosting the efficiency and activity of fire surveillance by using salient feature representation and low computational redundancy.
