Current Issue Cover
一种基于连通分析的UWB SAR目标检测算法

杨志国1, 黄晓涛1, 周智敏1(国防科学技术大学电子科学与工程学院,长沙 410073)

摘 要
由于超宽带合成孔径雷达(UWB SAR)具有较强的穿透性而被广泛用于探测叶簇覆盖目标,但目前针对此种目标的检测尚未有系统完整的检测算法提出,多数研究机构在对基于UWB SAR的叶簇覆盖目标进行检测时,均沿用美国Lincoln实验室提出的三级结构检测流程,该通用检测算法在对高波段、高分辨率全极化SAR数据进行目标检测时,虽表现出良好的检测和识别性能,但用于UWB SAR叶簇覆盖目标检测时,则存在诸多不适用性。该文在对通用检测算法用于UWB SAR目标检测时存在的问题进行分析的基础上,提出了一种适用的新算法,该新算法通过滑窗平均、低门限恒虚警(CFAR)检测以及连通分析降低了算法对检测环境的要求,从而增强了算法的适用性和稳健性,最后给出了采用通用检测算法和新算法对UWB SAR图像中叶簇覆盖目标进行检测的结果,并验证了新算法在UWB SAR叶簇覆盖目标检测中的有效性。
A Target Detection Algorithm of UWB SAR Based on Connectivity Analysis


Urtra wide band (UWB) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is widely used to explore the foliage concealed targets for its better penetrability. But no systemic and integrated detection algorithm is presented for UWB SAR detection. Most of research institutes follow the three stage detection flow developed by Lincoln laboratory to detect the foliage concealed targets in UWB SAR images. This current detection algorithm performs excellently when it is used to detect and recognize targets based on high frequency, high resolution and fully polarimetric SAR data. But there are many problems when it is used to detect the foliage concealed targets in UWB SAR images. The question is analyzed when the current algorithm is used to detect the targets of UWB SAR, and a new detection algorithm is presented in the paper. The new algorithm decreases the requirements of detection condition by small slip window average, low threshold constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection and connectivity analysis. It has the good applicability and steadiness. The detection results of the current detection algorithm and the proposed new algorithm for foliage concealed targets in three UWB SAR images are given in the end of the paper, and they testify the validity of the new detection algorithm in the foliage concealed target detection of UWB SAR.
