Current Issue Cover

杨夏1,2, 于起峰1, 伏思华1, 孟令晶1(1.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院,长沙 410073;2.中国人民解放军91550部队240所,大连 116023)

摘 要
A New Method to Extract Fringe Skeletons from A Single Speckle Fringe Image


In the field of optical deformation measurement, obtaining the fringe phase information from one speckle interferometry high accurately and automatically is a difficult problem. In this paper, a novel method is proposed to extract the skeletons precisely. We estimate the fringe orientation firstly and use a special filter to depress orientation noises. Then with the fringe orientations, the fringe slope angles are computed. In the slope angle map, great jumps of the slope intensity values occurred at fringe peaks and fringe valleys. At last, the fringe skeletons are easily extracted from the slope angle map. This method has been tested by real speckle fringe pattern images, and the results show that this method is efficient and robust for ESPI even with high speckle noise.
