Current Issue Cover

王亮1, 黄晓涛1, 周智敏1(国防科学技术大学电子科学与工程学院,长沙 410073)

摘 要
2维复图像插值可按实部和虚部分为两个实图像插值,实图像插值实际上是一个2维滤波过程。提出了一种局部自适应的2维实图像插值算法。该算法可以在不预设模型的前提下,利用局部图像的自相关函数设计2维滤波函数。为满足插值均方误差最小,算法中引入了遗传算法优化多变量函数。该算法在超宽带合成孔径雷达(ultra wideBand synthetic aperture radar,UWB SAR)图像插值中有应用价值,实测数据的复图像插值和复图像配准检验了该算法的可行性。
Research Two dimensional Complex Image Interpolation


2D complex image interpolation is decomposed into two real image interpolation procedures based on real part and imaginary part of image. In fact, real image interpolation is a 2D filtering procedure. In this paper we propose a local adaptive interpolated algorithm for 2D real image. Presupposing there is no model, this algorithm utilizes fully local images to estimate autocorrelation function. To minimize the mean square error that interpolated local image, genetic algorithm is introduced in the procedure of optimizing multi variable function. This interpolation algorithm is worth to be applied in ultra wideband synthetic aperture radar (UWB SAR) image interpolation procedures. Two experiments with real data, complex image interpolation and complex image coregistration, have verified feasibility of this interpolation algorithm.
