Current Issue Cover

邵利平1, 覃征2, 衡星辰3, 高洪江1, 王羡慧1(1.西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院电子商务研究所,西安 710049;2.清华大学软件学院,北京 100084;3.鲁东大学计算机科学与技术学院,烟台 264025)

摘 要
传统的以高维Arnold变换和高维Fibonacci Q变换为代表的基于高维矩阵变换的图像置乱方法,虽然具备较好的安全性,且能改变被置乱图像的灰度特征,但存在可恢复周期长,且对攻击不具备全局扩散能力等问题,在应用中存在缺陷。针对以上问题,基于高维矩阵变换,构造了雪崩图像置乱变换,该置乱变换可通过逆变换对图像进行置乱,通过正变换对置乱图像进行恢复,因而可减少由置乱图像恢复为原始图像的迭代次数,同时理论和实验结果表明该置乱变换在受到各种攻击时的强脆弱性,因而可用于数字作品完整性鉴别的脆弱水印构造。
Avalanche Image Scrambling Transformation Based on High dimension Matrix Transformation


Classical image scrambling transformation based on high dimension matrix transformation, which is represented by high dimension Arnold transformation or high dimension Fibonacci Q transformation, is capable of preferable security and can change the gray characteristic of the scrambled image, however,there exists some deficiency in practice, such as the long restorable period and not having the full diffuse ability to attacks. To address these problems, in this paper, based on high dimension matrix transformation, an avalanche image scrambling transformation is constructed, which scrambles the original image by inverse transformation and recovers the scrambled image by obverse transformation in order to cut down the iterative times from the scrambled image to the recovered image. Simultaneously, theory and experiments show its strong fragility under attacks and can be used to construct fragile watermarking to ensure digital productions integrality certification.
