Current Issue Cover

王红1, 周雅1, 马晋涛1, 刘宪鹏1(北京理工大学光电工程系,北京 100081)

摘 要
Research on the Real virtual Occlusion in an Optical See through AR System


In an augmented reality (AR) system, whether there is a correct real virtual occlusion is a crucial problem, and it will influence whether the compositing of real and virtual worlds is vivid. A new method for real virtual occlusion according to a new design of optical see through HMD is presented. A gridding plane using the OpenGL are drawn to block the virtual object and when the virtual object is overlapped with the real object it will appear that the real object occlude the virtual one. It is easier for us to design programme and is more feasible for a real time system using this method. The experiment results indicate that this method is correct and viable.
