Current Issue Cover

朱成军1, 李超1, 薛玲1, 熊璋1(北京航空航天大学计算机学院 计算机应用研究室,北京 100083)

摘 要
Video Text Enhancement Using Multiple Frame Information


Text in video is a very compact and accurate clue for video indexing and summarization. But video texts are usually embedded in complex background, making it very difficultl for text separation from the background information. Hence the OCR accuracy was poor. This paper presents a multi frames based technique to enhance video text image. After extracting a reference text block, we use Hausdorff distance based image matching technique to find and register the corresponding text block. Then the frames average or minimum pixel search method is applied to text blocks to obtain a new text block with a clean background. At last we apply a finite interpolation function to adjust the text block resolution. Experiments conducted on several video sequences show that our enhancement scheme can considerably improve the accuracy of OCR.
