Current Issue Cover

张熠1, 熊飞1, 张桂林1(华中科技大学图像识别及人工智能研究所图像信息处理与智能控制教育部重点实验室,武汉 430074)

摘 要
A Preprocessing Algorithm for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition


A new preprocessing algorithm for illumination invariant face recognition called Segmented Local Normalization (SLN) is proposed. The main idea is to produce image segmentation so that in each segment, pixel points have similar surface normal distribution and then have similar intensity responses to the light source. Then the local pixel normalization is processed in each segment in order to eliminate illumination. The algorithm firstly establishes Lambert object surface reflection model and secondly a general face surface normal matrix is estimated using SVD. Then the clustering algorithm based on the surface normal directions is used to obtain the image segments, and a local normalization is applied in each image segment. Finally, the traditional face recognition algorithm like PCA is applied on the normalized images. Experimental results based on the Harvard and YaleB face database show that under uneven illumination conditions, the algorithm can increase the face recognition rate efficiently.
