Current Issue Cover

余莉1, 韩方剑1(国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院,长沙 410073)

摘 要
Automatic Object Detection Based on Watershed and Genetic Algorithm


In this paper, a new method for detecting specific objects in the image is presented. It consists of three steps. Firstly, a watershed transformation (WT) is used for over segmenting the image in different small basins and dams. The desired object should be one of these basins or the combination of some ones. Secondly, the basins which are most impossible to be the objects are deleted, and then the neighboring relationships between the remainders are analyzed to construct a region adjacency graph (RAG). Finally, an energy function is constructed and a heuristic genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to extract the optimized sub graphs from the RAG. The regions corresponding to the sub graphs are the desired objects. Experiment results demonstrate the feasibility of this approach.
