Current Issue Cover

周志铭1, 余松煜1, 张瑞1, 杨小康1(上海交通大学电子工程系图像通信与信息处理研究所,上海 200240)

摘 要
An Algorithm for Face Recognition Based on SIFT Descriptor


Choosing a distinctive feature and matching criterion is key to developing a reliable face recognition system. This paper discusses the availability of one of geometric feature invariants, scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) descriptor based face recognition. The SIFT feature description of an image is typically complex. In most cases, the difficulty of feature matching problem is aggravated when the different face expressions and image blur exist. For abovementioned issues, in this paper we proposes a new method that six interest sub regions from the face are selected to be described and later be calculated through different weights according to their distinctiveness. The square of the similarity is used to solve the problem of data deviation. The experimental results demonstrate that our method does effectively moderate the face expression effect. It also successfully reduces the complexity and matching time of SIFT feature sets.
