Current Issue Cover

颜红波1, 刘志1, 张兆杨1(上海大学通信与信息工程学院,上海 200072)

摘 要
A Smart Displaying Scheme for Real time Football Video on Portable Devices


In order to facilitate video production of the front end, a smart displaying scheme for real time soccer video on portable devices was proposed. Using the proposed scheme, which can solve the problem of wonderful specifics loss under the reduced resolution users can appreciate real time soccer games comfortably under low resolution circumstance of portable devices. Different from typical football processing techniques, the proposed scheme exploits a wholly region based approach to analyze real time soccer video, and can reduce the computational complexity substantially and satisfy the real time processing requirements while loosen the dependency on hardware equipments. The proposed scheme is composed of two stages: shot classification and dynamic extraction and playing of region of interest (ROI). The experimental results manifest that the scheme is indeed efficient, practical as well as reliable, and can play real time soccer video smartly on portable devices.
