Current Issue Cover

詹曙1, 常虹1, 蒋建国1, Ando S2(1.合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,合肥 230009;2.日本东京大学信息科学学院,东京 113-8656)

摘 要
Improved 3D AAMs for Facial Recognition Based CIS 3D Facial Imaging


Active Appearance Models (AAMs) is an effective statistical method to build 2D model for an object, which combines shape and texture information.A novel method for building 3D face model is proposed, which makes use of the depth information and corresponding intensity information generated by correlation image sensor (CIS), and extends 2D AAMs to 3D AAMs. The proposed improved AAMs fuse the shape, texture and depth information of face to build 3D face model. In facial recognition experiments which using 3D facial images based on CIS imaging system, the improved 3D AAMs model shows better recognition result than traditional AAMs algorithms and Eigenface.
