Current Issue Cover

周维1, 汪增福1(中国科学技术大学自动化系,合肥 230027)

摘 要
Muscle based Lips Model for Realistic Lips Synthesis


Based on the Waters muscle model(WMM), a novel lip muscle model(LMM)is proposed in this paper. LMM perfects the inaccurate description of the complicated lip muscle movements in WMM. On the basis of facial anatomy, the global lip movement is divided into a few submovements. The reconstruction of the lip movement is based on the linear combination of the submovements. In the application of modeling talking face, several feature points are marked to obtain a group of lip parameters. All kinds of lip shapes are synthesized using the proposed LMM and the adjacent linear muscle model. The experimental results show that the proposed model is practical in view of its low computational cost and ability of producing all kinds of realistic synthesized lip shapes.
