Current Issue Cover

马力1,2, 张茂军1, 徐玮熊1, 王志辉1(1.国防科学技术大学信息系统与管理学院,长沙 410073;2.海军蚌埠士官学校,蚌埠 233012)

摘 要
与普通视频监控系统只能实现单向监控不同,全景视频监控系统可以实现360°全向监控。设计并实现了一种嵌入式高分辨率全景视频监控系统KD PVS。重点介绍了KD PVS中多个摄像头的空间位置设计、视频图像变换与拼接算法。KD PVS通过对多个摄像头采集的视频进行实时变换与拼接以生成全景视频。该系统可方便应用于金融系统、仓库、监狱和移动监控等多种场合,尤其适用于室内监控。
A High Resolution Panoramic Video Monitoring System Based on Video Mosaicing


Difference from traditional video surveillance system, panoramic video surveillance system can provide viewers with a complete 360° degrees view. One embedded high resolution panoramic video surveillance system called KDPVS is designed and realized. The paper introduces the multiple camera configuration and video mosaicing algorithm. KDPVS stitches the video data from multiple camera sources into the panoramic video. The system is very convenient for various situations, such as finance system, warehouses, prisons, mobile monitoring, etc, especially useful for indoor monitoring.
