Current Issue Cover

王磊1, 王晓嘉2, 高隽3, Johannes Eckstein4(1.合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院图像信息处理研究室,合肥 230009;2.厦门大学机电工程系,厦门 361005;3.中国科学院合肥智能机械研究所仿生感知与控制研究中心,合肥 230031;4.Optical Engineering LabLaboratory,Heilbronn University,Heilbronn 74081,Germany)

摘 要
Laser Speckle Simulation in Rotationally Symmetric Triangulation Sensor


Speckle is the fundamental uncertainty factor in laser triangulation. A method to simulate the speckle in rotationally symmetric triangulation was presented and the simulated image was obtained. In this kind of triangulation sensors, the incident laser point will be imaged to a ring on the detector and the speckle is accordingly arc shaped. Properties of this kind of speckle were studied. The speckle size in radius direction of the ring obeyed the subjective speckle, and is determined by the number aperture of the optical system. In tangent direction of the ring, the speckle is essentially an objective speckle, its size is determined by the optical path length from the object to the detector, the area of the incident laser spot, as well as the radius of the imaged ring because of optical path was folded. Experiments showed that the simulation result was coincident with speckle theory. Based on the simulation, an analysis of the uncertainty limits of rotationally symmetric triangulation sensor was given. It shows that using the optical layout in our sensor, an uncertainty about 1/5 of traditional triangulation was estimated with same optical system numerical aperture and grey centroid algorithm.
