Current Issue Cover

杨万扣1, 王建国1,2, 任明武1, 杨静宇1(1.南京理工大学计算机学院,南京 210094;2.唐山学院 网络教育中心,唐山 063000)

摘 要
Fuzzy Inverse FDA and Its Application to Face Recognition

YANG Wankou1, WANG Jianguo1,2, REN Mingwu1, YANG Jingyu1(1.School of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Techology, Nanjing 210094;2.Tangshan College, Network & Education Center, Tangshan 063000)

A new algorithm called fuzzy inverse fisher disciminant analysis is proposed. The inverse fisher discriminant analysis (IFDA) is effective in extracting discriminant features, but is assumed the same level of relevance of each sample to the corresponding class. Distribution information of samples is represented with fuzzy membership degree in the fuzzy inverse fisher discriminant analysis (FIFDA). Furthermore the information is utilized to redefine the corresponding scatter matrices, which are different from the IFDA. The experimental results on ORL and FERET face database indicate that the performance of FIFDA is superior to that of Fisherfaces and IFDA.
