摘 要
Adaptive Mesh Reconstruction of Point Cloud with Feature Preserved
QIAN Guiping, TONG Ruofeng, PENG Wen, DONG Jinxiang(College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027) Abstract
There is noise and defective data on the 3D scanning point cloud. A robust mesh reconstruction algorithm is proposed. Surface normals are estimated by tensor matrix with enhanced features. By computing 3D fast Fourier transform (FFT), discrete iso-surface is extracted. Points are moved onto the iso-surface by an iterative clustering along gradient field, where the noise and outliers are removed and defective data are repaired. Point cloud is decimated adaptively, and then a new triangle is generated using sphere-intersected method. The experimental results have shown that the algorithm is fast, robust and use low memory.