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郭 斌1,2, 王维东1,2, 叶青青3, 沈渝力1,2, 章 竑1,2(1.浙江大学信电系,杭州 310027;2.浙江省综合信息网技术重点实验室,杭州 310027;3.杭州职业技术学院,杭州 310018)

摘 要
基于上下文的自适应二进制算术编码(context-based adaptive binary coding,CABAC)是一种高效的熵编码方法,但是其高计算复杂度制约了该算法的编码速度,已成为其应用的一个主要瓶颈。为解决此问题,在分析CABAC算法及其计算复杂度的基础上,对其概率估计更新部分进行了改进,提出了一种提高其编码速度的有效方法。该方法首先以N个符号的包为单位进行编码,仅每个包编码完成后再进行一次概率估计的更新,因而成倍地降低了概率估计更新的频度。实验数据表明,该方法较以往的方法使CABAC的编码速度平均提高了133%~307%,同时编码效率平均下降187%~298%。
A CABAC Accelerating Algorithm Base on Probability Estimation Update

GUO Bin WANG Weidong YE Qingqing SHEN Yuli ZHANG Hong1,2, WANG Weidong1,2, YE Qingqing3, SHEN Yuli1,2, ZHANG Hong1,2(1.Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027;2.Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Information Network Technology, Hangzhou 310027;3.Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College, Hangzhou 310018)

Context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) is a highly efficient entropy coding way, but its coding speed is restricted by high computational complexity, which becomes a major bottleneck in its application To solve this problem, an effective way, based on the analysis of the CABAC algorithm and its computational complexity, will be proposed in this article to improve the algorithms coding speed by improving the probability estimation update part The algorithm first codes packets which each include N symbols, and then updates the probability estimation part, which decreases the update frequency of probability estimation remarkably The experimental results show that, compared with the former algorithms, the coding speed of CABAC has been substantially increased from 133% to 307%, with coding efficiency declines a little from 187% to 298%
