Current Issue Cover

张智雄, 周 平, 杨 烜(深圳大学信息工程学院,深圳 518060)

摘 要
Parameter Choosing of Gaussian Function in Elastic Image Deformation

ZHANG Zhixiong, ZHOU Ping, YANG Xuan(College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060)

Common tools based on landmarks in medical image elastic registration are the thin plate spline (TPS). However, in real application, such scheme would deform the image globally when the deformation desired is local. Although radial basic functions can limit the effect of the deformation locally, how to choose its parameter is still a problem. This paper used Gaussian function to compute the local elastic registration, purposed a method to choose Gaussian parameter to localize the deformation between two landmarks. Using this method in local image elastic registration base on landmarks, deformation of image could be reduced. Finally, this paper provides lots of experiments to support our conclusion.
