Current Issue Cover

刘瑞芳, 梁晓辉, 谢 可, 沈旭昆(北京航空航天大学计算机学院虚拟现实技术与系统国家重点实验室,北京 100191)

摘 要
Feature-preserving Contour-based Remote Rendering Algorithm

LIU Ruifang, LIANG Xiaohui, XIE Ke, SHEN Xukun(State Keylaboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering,Beihang University, Beijing 100191)

Nowadays, mobile devices such as Pocket PC,PDA and Smartphone are used in Distributed Virtual Environment because of their portability and mobility. But mobile devices have their own limitations. For instance real-time rendering of 3D models on the mobile devices have not yet been satisfactorily resolved. In this paper, a new contour-based remote rendering algorithm for mobile device applications is proposed, which integrates the advantages of multi-resolution mesh and contour-based remote rendering, and can preserve the feature details of the models. At the preprocessing stage, the algorithm extracts the feature lines from the original mesh and then preprocess for multi-resolution mesh construction; At the real-time stage, the algorithm selects the final feature lines using a selection strategy and then constructs the appropriate multi-resolution mesh according to the interaction information, such as the viewpoint and frame rate, then extracts the contour lines from this mesh. At last, it sends the selected feature lines and the contour lines to the mobile device for rendering. Experiments show that the algorithm can preserve the details well in contour-based remote rendering, and can assure the rendering to be real-time on mobile device.
