王贞俭(鲁东大学图书馆情报技术部,烟台 264025) 摘 要
A polarization SAR Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Product of Local Energy and Regional Standard Deviation in Contourlet Domain
WANG Zhenjian(Ludong University Library Information Technology Department,Yantai 264025) Abstract
With the advantage of Contourlet and the disadvantage of single feature fusion rules, a multi-polarization SAR image fusion algorithm, based on product of local energy and regional standard deviation, is proposed. First, an adaptive threshold method is adopted to preprocess the images. Then, multi-polarization SAR image fusion is implemented in Contourlet domain. According to the characters of Contourlet coefficients, local energy fusion rules and weighted averaging method is adopted for low-frequency sub-band fusion rules. The Product of regional energy and local standard deviation as a fusion rule is adopted for high-frequency sub-bands. The result of real multi-polarization SAR images fusion show that this algorithm can provide satisfactory fusion performance.