Current Issue Cover

杨娟1,2, 杨丹3, 张小洪3(1.重庆大学计算机学院,重庆 400030;2.中国人民解放军重庆通信学院,重庆 400035;3.重庆大学软件学院,重庆 400030)

摘 要
Research on Second Generation Watermarking Algorithm Based on Image Corner Feature


In this paper,a noval second generation watermarking algorithm based on image corner feature is proposed.Firstly, the watermark image is scrambled by using Arnold transformation. Secondly, wavelet transformation based three-level lifting for the carrier image is conducted. Thirdly, utilized the outcome of second step and MSP method, corners are detected from the low frequency components. Finally, by taking corners as root nodes, all the corresponding high frequency coefficients are extracted. Inverse operation of embedding watermark is performed with those coefficients. And using the given key, the watermark can be obtained. Sufficient experiments demonstrate the robustness of this approach, especially in resisting geometry attack such as RST (Rotation, Scaling and translation)and cut attack.
