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单东日1, 陈向东1, 朱泽平1, 高复媛1(山东轻工业学院机械工程学院,济南 250353)

摘 要
移动立方体(MC)算法是面绘制算法的典型代表, 但其在抽取的等值面的拓扑结构、表示精度及算法执行效率等方面仍存在缺点,为此,针对MC算法执行效率不高的问题,根据等值面在立方体中的延续性,提出了一种改进的MC方法,并在可视化工具包中予以实现,实验结果表明,改进的MC算法重建牙颌组织所需的时间仅为58 s。并以改进的MC算法为基础,开发了牙颌医学图像3维重建系统。应用实例表明,改进的MC算法不仅高效鲁棒,并可对曲面结构复杂的牙颌组织进行3维重建。
3D Reconstruction of Stomatognathic Based on the Improved MC Algorithm


Marching cubes (MC) algorithm is a typical representative for surface reconstruction method, however, there are still some shortcomings about the topology structure and the represent accuracy of the isosurface which extracted by MC algorithm, and so does the algorithm’s execution efficiency. Thus, based on the continual characteristic when the isosurface past the cubes, one improved MC algorithm is proposed, which can shorten the execution time obviously. And its realized in visualization tool kit (VTK). The experiment showed that the stomatognathic reconstruction time can decline to 58s. A new medical 3D reconstruction system for stomatognathic is also developed based on the improved MC algorithm. The application instances show that the improved MC algorithm is efficient and robust, which can be applied successfully in 3D reconstruction for complex curved surface of stomatognathic.
