Current Issue Cover

王青竹1, 王珂1, 袁国良2, 刘准1(1.吉林大学 通信工程学院,长春 130025;2.上海海事大学信息学院,上海 200135)

摘 要
Multi-hierarchy and Adaptive Space Coefficient Image Edge Detection Based on Gauss Wavelet


According to the characteristic of Gauss which smoothes the image without reference to SNR, a new algorithm with adaptive σ(space coefficient) is put forward to in this paper for purpose of both precise image detection and effective noise restraining. Firstly, inertia of moment of gray level co-occurrence matrix is used to design the σ which is suitable to the current image. Secondly, high-pass filters and low-pass filters are designed according to the σ and the next σ is determined out in accordance with the image which is filtered by low-pass filters. The process is repeated till noise is removed basically. At last, images of all levels extracted with different σ are fused to obtain the final image edge with only one pixel wide in accordance by certain rules. Simulation results indicate that when comparing with traditional algorithms and B-spline wavelet, SNR is improved 0.47%~6.07%, and computing time is increased 0.29%~6.36%.The new algorithm proposed in this paper is more efficient in precise image detection and effective noise restraining especially for low-resolution image(256×256).
