Current Issue Cover

吴家勇1, 王平江1, 陈吉红1, 巫孟良2(1.华中科技大学国家数控系统工程技术研究中心, 武汉 430074;2.万濠精密仪器有限公司, 东莞 523877)

摘 要
Method of Linear Structured Light Sub-pixel Center Position Extracting Based on Gradient Barycenter


Aiming at extracting the center position of light stripe accurately and efficiently in linear structured light measurement system, a method which extracts sub-pixel center position of light stripe was proposed, according to the property of the light stripes intensity gradient and non-normal distribution. The method applies low pass filter and power transformation to decrease the error caused by image noise and non-normal distribution of stripe intensity, it uses adaptive threshold method to obtain the light stripes gray edge, and extracts the sub-pixel center position of light stripe by gradient barycenter. Our experiment results proved that gradient barycenter method not only extracts the stripe center accurately, but also has good anti-noise and robust performance. The method improved the measurement precision of the 3D measurement system remarkably.
