Current Issue Cover

罗嘉1, 韦志辉1(南京理工大学计算机科学与技术学院, 南京 210094)

摘 要
Tracking and Fast Motion Estimation Via Geometric Active Contour Model


For the purpose of rapidity and flexibility,this paper proposed a coupled functional framework for target tracking and motion estimation based on geometric active contour and level-set method. Our model estimates the displacement of object while tracking an objects contour and uses this displacement estimation to constrain active contour evaluating. Anglicizing image sequences needs models to have high efficiency and precision, we solve this problem with two methods:(1) Improving tracking effect and range as well as the accelerated convergence speed by modifying the active contours external force; (2)Proposed a new method for effective local motion estimation based on level-set information which is acquired from a coupled functional model. Because our entire formulation is based on geometric active contour, and formulation provide level set information of object in image naturally, therefore we can make use of level set information to assist constructing rapid motion estimation method. The second method deals with both rigid and non-rigid motion. Experiments on image sequences of varietals types such as MRI and video demonstrate efficiency and robustness of the proposed coupled model. One can use this model to get multi-object contour and motion estimation at the same time quickly. This model also provides solid foundation for further analysis and processing.
