Current Issue Cover

宋锦萍1, 陈花竹2, 台雪成1(1.河南大学应用数学所数学与信息科学学院,开封 475004;2.河南大学软件学学院,郑州 450008)

摘 要
通过分析ROF(Rudin,Osher and Fatemi)模型和LLT(lysaker,lundervold and Tai)模型在处理噪声图像时存在的缺陷,以及纹理部分和噪声部分之间的差异,将图像分解思想和ROF模型与LLT模型相结合,提出了一种新的分解去噪模型:DD(decomposition and denoising)模型。该模型在处理噪声图像时,将噪声图像分解为结构、纹理和噪声3部分,从而达到既去噪又能分解的目的。进一步通过仿真试验,验证了DD模型和算法的合理性及有效性。
A Decomposition and Denoising Model and Algorithm Based on PDE


Through analysis shortcoming of the ROF(Rudin, Osher and Fatemi) model and LLT(Lysaker,Lundervold and Tai) model in denoising processing, and the difference between texture and noise, combining decomposition model, TV-norm and fourth-order PDE, the article proposes the DD(decomposition and denoising) modelWhen processing noise image, the new model decompose an noisy image into three parts, structure, texture and noise, and thas achieves denoising and decomposition Further through the experiments,we testify rationality and validity of the DD model and the algorithm
