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庞建新1, 张荣1, 张晖1, 刘政凯1(中国科学技术大学电子工程和信息科学系,多媒体计算与通信教育部-微软重点实验室,合肥 230027)

摘 要
客观图像质量评价方法——自动评价图像质量使其与主观感受一致, 对于很多图像和视频处理应用特别是图像编码具有重要意义。提出了一种基于结构失真的图像编码质量客观评价方法。首先根据匹配追逐算法将参考图像在基函数上进行投影分解按照重要性排列获得结构信息,并给出结构重要性度量,然后利用该信息计算编码图像的结构信息,比较编码前后结构信息的差异作为客观质量评价度量,其中在匹配追逐算法中,选取了2维可分离的Gabor基函数集作为字典。实验结果显示,上述方法与主观质量评价值有很好的一致性。
Quality Assessment for Image Coding with Structural Distortion


Objective image quality assessment, which automatically values the image quality consistently with subjective perception, is important to numerous image and video processing applications, especially in image coding In this paper, a new objective measure for image coding quality based on image structure is proposed First of all, the structure information is calculated by projecting the reference image onto the base functions using the algorithm of matching pursuit Secondly, the structure information of the coded image in the order of importance is computed and gained, and the characteristics of the importance of the structure information are given, using the structure information of the reference image Finally the objective quality score is concluded by comparing the differences of structure information between the reference and the coded images And the separable 2-D Gabor base functions are selected as the dictionary for the algorithm of matching pursuit Experimental results show that the proposed approach is consistent with the subjective quality score
