Current Issue Cover

梁承志1, 高新波1, 邹华1, 王向华1(西安电子科技大学电子工程学院,西安 710071)

摘 要
Accelerated GPU Ray-casting Algorithm Based on Space Leaping


Ray-casting is a widely used basic volume rendering algorithm. It can get high quality image but suffers from high computational complexity. A single-pass ray-casting algorithm is developed based on GPU(graphics processing unit), and on the basis of this algorithm an accelerated algorithm is proposed based on space leaping technique. Noncontributing region in the volume data coded with octree data structure can be eliminated by space leaping. Then the burden of GPU may be reduced effectively. Only one fragment program is needed to generate ray direction, cast ray, skip empty voxels and terminate ray, et al. The experimental results illustrate the algorithm can significantly accelerate the reconstruction of the volume data containing a lot of empty voxels.
