Current Issue Cover

王栋1, 朱虹1, 马文庆1(西安理工大学自动化与信息工程学院,西安 710048)

摘 要
Tracking Moving Object Based on Genetic Searching Algorithm


With the increasing requirements of video monitoring system’s intelligence, tracking moving object has been a hotspot. It is a problem needs be to addressed that how to detect object’s depth moving state(the size of object) only with 2D video signal and control the camera’s zoom. This paper proposes a method of tracking moving object in 3D-space based on genetic searching algorithm. The object’s 3D contour feature can be searched and matched using genetic algorithm to detect the location and the size of a moving object. Then, the camera’s zoom can be controlled. This method can ensure a relatively stable size of the moving object in the video screen and improve the quality of the monitoring system.
