Current Issue Cover

李俊峰1, 李其申1, 张永1, 江泽涛1(南昌航空大学计算机学院,南昌 330063)

摘 要
The Non-subsampled Directional Filter Bank and Its Application in Remote Sensing Image Fusion


The constructure of nonsubsampled directional filter bank (NSDFB) which is a full shift invariant is introduced, and a novel image fusion scheme based on NSDFB combining àtrous wavelet transform for multispectral image(MS) and panchromatic image (PAN) is proposed. The intensity component I of MS obtained by intensity, hue and saturation (IHS) transform and the PAN are decomposed using àtrous wavelet, and the high pass-bands are decomposed in multi-directional high pass-bands respectively by NSDFB. Then the high pass-bands and low pass-bands are fused by different fusion rules, and the I′ component is reconstructed by taking inverse NSDFB decompose and inverse a-trous wavelet transform. Finally, the fusion image is obtained by inverse IHS transform of I′ and the H, S component of MS. The experimental results show that the performance of the novel algorithm is better than IHS,principal component analysis (PCA) and the traditional fusion algorithms based on wavelet transformation, and especially can effectively eliminate the spectral distortion caused by PCA and wavelet transform.
