Current Issue Cover

刘晴1, 郭希娟1, 许慎洋1(燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,秦皇岛 066004)

摘 要
N-dimensional Multimodality Medical Images Registration Based on Mutual Information


At present, the multimodality medical image registration has been all confined in registering two images and rarely involved N-dimensional images (three and more than three dimensions). Using the expanded N-dimensional mutual information measure (E-NMIM) to register multiple images inefficient, and cannot meet the clinical requirement.In addition mutual information(MI) values are not necessarily nonnegative. In this paper, we introduce a new N-dimensional mutual information measure (N-NMIM), which can ensure MI values are nonnegative, bounded to range from 1 to 2. At the same time, the rate of the registration has moved up. Then this definition is tested and proved to be effective on registration of three lumbar vertebra images through simulation, including CT,T1 weighted MRI and T2 weighted MRI.
