Current Issue Cover

许冠宇1, 周军2(1.上海交通大学电子工程系图像通信与信息处理研究所,上海 200240;2.上海交通大学上海市数字媒体处理与传输重点实验室,上海 200240)

摘 要
View Scalable Transmission of Synchronizing Multi-view Video


Stereoscopic Television system demands view scalability as well as high compression rates, which enables the video to be applicable to various terminals. To achieve view scalability, firstly, it is necessary to achieve view scalability for the encoding part. Then, a view scalable transmission scheme is needed. In this paper, based on a scalable encoding scheme, the author proposed a scalable multi-view video transmission scheme that perfectly realizes the concept of view scalability by remarkably reducing bandwidth consumption while being applicable to various terminals. All views are divided into three groups in the proposed scheme: base view, second view and other view. Streams from those three types of views are transported with separate multicast groups. Also, a stream shaping and synchronizing scheme is proposed to tackle with the network problems that arise in the implementation of view scalability.
