Current Issue Cover

徐小良1, 洪 波1(杭州电子科技大学计算机学院,杭州 310018)

摘 要
A Sub-pixel Regional Sampling Anti-aliasing Algorithm Based on Integer Coordinate


In order to eliminate the graphic aliasing more quickly and efficiently,we propose a sub-pixel level precision regional sampling anti-aliasing algorithm based on integer coordinate,putting sub-pixel information on the low bits and the integral parts on the high bits of plastic number.Calculating the cover area of each pixel with bit operation according to the difference between the sub-pixel part and the integer part.The Brightness level can reach 2n(n is the length of sub-pixel,most of the time it is 8).Compared with mid-point based regional sample algorithm,the picture generated is more precise and fast.Compared with over sampling method(most of the time use 3×3 or 4×4 sample grid),it’s more precise,when the sample bits arise,the calculation will be the same,and doesn’t exist information losing problems when the data is conversed from high resolution to low resolution witch results aliasing.The result shows our algorithm can quickly generate high quality images better than general antialiasing algorithm.
