Current Issue Cover

孙德全, 张 军, 李晓峰(四川大学计算机学院图形图像研究所,成都 610064)

摘 要
为了提高HDR(high dynamic range)图像的质量,提出一种针对HDR图像滤噪的新方法。首先取得图像组中相同空间位置的点构成像素组;然后利用相机的ITF(intensity transfer function)还原成亮度值;接着通过求解最小二乘问题拟合L-t(luminance-exposure time)直线,并用该直线修正各点亮度值;最后再通过ITF转换成像素值。图像组经滤噪之后,再用于合成HDR图像。实验结果表明,该算法运算量小,能有效去除椒盐型噪声,对高斯型噪声抑制效果明显,优于A.
A Novel Noise Removal Algorithm for HDR Image

SUN Dequan,, ZHANG Jun, LI Xiaofeng(Graphics and Image Institute of Computer Department, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064)

In order to improve the quality of HDR (high dynamic range) image, a novel noise removal algorithm is proposed. Firstly, pixel value sequences are obtained from the same spatial position in different frames. Secondly, pixel values are transferred to luminance by cameras ITF (intensity transfer function).Thirdly, the regression beeline L-t (luminance-exposure time) is acquired by solving a least-squared error problem, and then it was used to revise the luminance values of the sequence. Finally, the revised luminance values are anti-transferred to pixel values. Synthesis operation is performed after noise removal. Experiment demonstrates that our algorithm is fast. It can eliminate salt & pepper noise clearly, and can reduce Gaussian noise effectively. It is better than A.&E.s (ahmet & erit). These are the prevailing features of our algorithm.
