Current Issue Cover

申 舟, 李正明, 潘天红(江苏大学电气信息工程学院,镇江 212013)

摘 要
Motion Estimation Based on the Partition and Evaluation of the Search Area in H.264/AVC

SHEN Zhou,, LI Zhengming, PAN Tianhong(College of Electronic and Information Engineering Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013)

Although the search speed of fast motion estimation algorithms such as Three Step Search and Diamond Search is fast, it is easy to trap into local-minimum which caused the false motion vector preditcor. UMHexagons solved the problem well; however, this algorithm is still needed to search too many points and therefore slowed down the search speed. In order to obtain a good balance between search speed and quality performance, this paper proposed PEOSA algorithm.It divided the search area into four part firstly, then evaluated the probability of the best motion vector in every part,and finally searched every part through different search scheme. The experiment results showed that the PEOSA algorithm save more than 43.84% search time compared with UMHexagons; while the averaging PSNR loss was less than 0.017dB for all tested sequences .The new search algorithm holds high value in real time coding and decoding.
