Current Issue Cover
基于改进的Orientation_based Minutia Descriptor指纹检索算法

梅 园, 曹 国, 孙怀江, 夏德深(南京理工大学计算机科学与技术学院,南京 210094)

摘 要
指纹检索通过有效地缩小指纹匹配空间,在很大程度上提高了指纹识别的效率,成为自动指纹识别系统中一个非常重要的研究方向。主要做了两方面的工作:发现已有Orientation_based Minutia Descriptor(OMD)存在旋转相关的问题并通过改进OMD相似度计算方法有效地解决了该问题;提出了一种基于改进的OMD指纹检索算法,其主要过程为:依据改进的OMD相似度计算方法计算当前输入指纹与库中指纹每两个细节点间的OMD相似度,并基于该相似度获取粗糙对应点集;对粗糙对应点集中的每对对应点对,通过构造相
Fingerprint Indexing Method Based on Improved Orientation_based Minutia Descriptor

MEI Yuan,, CAO Guo, SUN Huaijiang, XIA Deshen(School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094)

Fingerprint indexing heightens the efficiency of identification to a large extent through reducing the matching space effectively, thereby, it becomes a very important research area in Automatic Fingerprint Identification System(AFIS). This paper mainly includes two work: discovering that the Orientation_based Minutia Descriptor(OMD) is rotation-interrelated and solving the problem by improving the OMD similarity-degree computing method; proposing a new fingerprint indexing method based on improved OMD. The main procedure of our fingerprint indexing method is: calculating the OMD similarity-degree between all the point-pairs which from the current input fingerprint and the fingerprint in database respectively by using the improved OMD similarity-degree computing method, and obtaining the coarse-level correspondence set based on the OMD similarity-degree; constructing the local neighborhood structure to validate the coarse level correspondence further, and obtaining the refined correspondence set; obtaining the rest refined correspondence sets between the current input fingerprint and the rest fingerprints in database by repeating the two fore-mentioned steps; counting the number of correspondences for all refined correspondence set, getting the top N refined correspondence sets and returning their corresponding finger labels. Experiment validated the effectiveness of our method.
