Current Issue Cover

张玉珍, 王建宇, 戴跃伟, 魏带娣(南京理工大学自动化学院,南京 210094)

摘 要
A Video Scene Detection Method Based on Mean Shift

ZHANG Yuzhen, WANG Jianyu, DAI Yuewei, WEI Daidi(School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science&Technology, Nanjing 210094)

An efficient algorithm for scene detection is proposed. Where firstly within a sliding shot window, the shots are clustered and each cluster center is achieved rapidly by employing MS clustering, then according to the development pattern of film video scene, the temporal distances between two shots are computed and scenes are detected based on the temporal and spatial relationship. In addition, the scene key frames can be achieved on the basis of corresponding cluster centers. Finally, a succeeding procession for over-segmented scenes is introduced. Experiments prove this algorithm can cluster shots rapidly and detect scenes and the key frames of the scence efficiently.
