Current Issue Cover

骆 凯1,2, 李东晓1,2, 冯雅美1,2, 张 明1,2(1.浙江大学信息与通信工程研究所,杭州 310027;2.浙江省综合信息网技术重点实验室,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Arbitrary View Generation Based on DIBR and Depth-Aided Image Inpainting

LUO Kai1,2, LI Dongxiao1,2, FENG Yamei1,2, ZHANG Ming1,2(1.Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027;2.Zhejiang Provincal Key Laboratory of Information Network Technology, Hangzhou 310027)

Depth-image-based rendering (DIBR) is a key technology to the advanced video applications. In order to improve the image quality generated by view warping, this paper proposes an arbitrary view generation method based on DIBR and image inpainting. The depth image is processed by morphological operations to reduce the holes generated during image warping and to smooth the object contour in the target image. The view warping equation is utilized to generate an arbitrary view. The image inpainting method is employed to restore holes inside the warped view. Depth cue is incorporated into the cost function for texture estimation. The pixels in the most match block corresponds to the holes in the target image are copied to the holes. During the restoration process, luma-first strategy is applied to adapt to various color sampling format. Experimental results show the proposed algorithm has superiority in both subjective details and PSNR statistics.
