Current Issue Cover

阮正旺, 张建州, 张 亮(四川大学计算机学院, 成都 610065)

摘 要
中值滤波在去除椒盐噪声领域应用非常广泛。但是中值滤波去除椒盐噪声时有其固有缺点,比如说中值滤波并不能很好地保持边缘以及图像中的大量细节信息,所以中值滤波在对边缘和细节要求严格的情况下并不能带来很好的处理效果。为此,提出一种去除椒盐噪声并保持边缘的新方法,力图解决中值滤波在去除椒盐噪声时的问题。该方法是基于统计的跳变回归方法的改进型,并将能量函数由L2改为L1 。实验结果证明,这种方法不但能有效地滤除椒盐噪声,而且能够很好地保持边缘。
L1 Based Local Edge-Preserving Salt-and-Pepper Denoising

RUAN Zhengwang, ZHANG Jianzhou, ZHANG Liang(College of Computer, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065)

Median filter is widely used to denoise salt-and-pepper noise in image processing. But median filter can not preserving edges and most details of images, so median filter is not able to produce a satisfying result especially when edges and details are strictly requested to preserve. This paper introduces a new method for denoising salt-and-pepper noise with edge-preserving to resolve the problems existing in median filter. This method is a modified model of Statistical Jump Regression Analysis, and also modifies the energy function from L2 to L1. The experiment shows that this method can powerfully denoise salt-and-pepper noise with good edge-preserving.
