Current Issue Cover

孙林丽, 李 言, 郑建明(西安理工大学机械与精密仪器工程学院, 西安 710048)

摘 要
Research on the Reconstruction Arithmetic for Three Dimensions Topographic of Metal Cutting Surface

SUN Linli, LI Yan, ZHENG Jianming(School of Mechanical Instrumental Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048)

Multiple scattering and backward scattering on rough surface is caused by surface roughness and mirror effect, and this affects the precision of shape from shading arithmetic accordingly. This paper reconstructs the reflection map equation by using a bidirectional reflectance distribution function and the Hapke model. After the equation discretization, we calculated tilt and slant of the lighting and the surface, then get the height gradient of the lighting and the surface, recover the height data with a total differentiation method. The comparison of reconstruction of real cutting surface and the measured stylus profile result shows this algorithm is accurate and effective, and it inspires new thinking ways for the shape from shading of metal cutting surface for cutting surfaces.
