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路 平1, 陈敏刚1,2, 马利庄1, 桑胜举3,4(1. 上海交通大学计算机科学与技术系, 上海 200240;2. 上海市科技信息中心, 上海 200000;3. 华东理工大学机械动力学院, 上海 200237;4. 泰山学院信息科学技术学院, 泰安 271024)

摘 要
Fast Structural Image Completion

(1. Department of Computer Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240;2.3. School of Mechanical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237;3.4.College of Information Science & Technology, Tai'an 271021)

Image completion has attracted many researchers these years. The goal of image completion is to repair missing region of images, or to remove objects from images and fill the holes using background information, making it hard to distinguish by eyes. However, to repair huge structure is difficult. We divide the process of image completion into two parts. When the user specified the missing region and structure curves, we first define a global energy function; dynamic programming and belief propagation is used to decide the global minimal cost. This step is also called structure propagation and when it is completed, we scan the region left and implement texture synthesis. For the pixels on boundaries we use exemplar-based algorithm to copy and paste by patch; for the pixels inside the region, we employ a fast weighted Ashikhmin-WL algorithm. At last, the completed image is obtained. We construct a fast structural image completion system and get some results. Experimental results show that our algorithm is useful. Our algorithm will also be extended to video completion in the near future.
