Current Issue Cover

周奇年, 王廷波, 李文书(浙江理工大学信息电子学院,杭州 310018)

摘 要
Image segmentation based on region and level set method

Zhou Qinian, Wang Tingbo, Li Wenshu(Department of Information and Electronic, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China)

With the development of image processing technology, the image segmentation technology is also in maturity, however, more segmentation method has some limitations at present, it is very difficult to realize global segmentation with the traditional method, and difficult to realize the efficient and accurate segmentation for the objects with the weak or blurred edge. A novel region-based active contour model is proposed in this paper. It is based on the geodesic active contour GAC and C_V model. Through the experimental analysis, first, the algorithm greatly improves the accuracy of segmentation, the evolution of contour can stop near the edge of object, even if the edge of target is weak or blurred. This algorithm overcomes disadvantages of traditional active contour segmentation algorithm in local segmentation, effectively realized the global segmentation.
